Monday, September 14, 2009

it's a count down... sigh


I am nothing but an idiot at this point. I am a fool to have agreed to be Irma's partner. Damn it! I wasn't aware that this project would take a long time! It's been 3 days since that wretched day, and ever since that day, Eli hasn't said a word to me. Every single day that pass, it seems as if she's trying to be more distant. AND IT'S MESSING WITH MY BRAIN! DO I HAVE SOME SORT OF DISEASE?! LEPROSY PERHAPS?!

"Yo, earth to Jade!"

Eric slapped me on the head as he sat down across the table. Oh yeah, I forgot. It's lunch time. I haven't had breakfast yet. I'm supposed to be hungry by now. But I'm not. Maybe I'm going crazy. Or maybe this is because of me being a leper?

"Eric stop bothering him. He's in his happy place."

And with Lyn's words, my concentration flew back to earth. I cleared my throat and took a sip of my lemonade.

"Shut it you guys! I'm just, having trouble with Irma that's all..."

Lyn smirked and Eric raised his brow.

"How come? The girl's nice, easy to work with. And another happy factor, she's having googly eyes for you..."

I can't take this anymore, I stood up, leaving my tray behind and went straight to my other sanctuary, the roof top.

Here is where I can clear my head. And here is where I can see the whole campus. This is my secret hiding place whenever I wanted to watch Eli from afar. Admiring how great she is and all. Man... I'm getting so cheesy...


What? That voice... No... It's not true... It's not her... She doesn't call me by my given name. It's always Cho. But then again... the voice I could never mistake for someone else...

"Jade... Are you okay?"

I turned around and I saw her. I smiled and sat down.

"Wow Eli, this is the first time you calling me that. Maybe I'm the one to ask if you're okay. haha!"

I can't help myself... Teasing her is so easy. But little do I know, that this day, is the mark of change. She sat down beside me, and closed her eyes.

"Don't get to full of yourself. You know what? Sometimes, I get tired of being rivals with you."

"Why not change my role then?", I replied, knowing this would only let my hopes down. I am nothing to Eli. I've known that... I am-

"I want to."

What the heck??? Maybe I'm having trouble with my hearing... Maybe I need to eat. Maybe I do have this leper issue. I looked at her just to find another bruise on her arm. She still has her eyes closed, God knows, what she's thinking.

"I wish we could be just normal friends Jade. It can be really troublesome whenever I have to call you by your last name. I wish we could hang out. But that just mean being soft and giving you the opportunity to be on top right?"

I stood up, pissed, angry and worst, dead beet. I walked towards the door, and before I go down, I turned my head and looked at her.

"Being on top is not all that Eli. Being on top and having no one to share that success with is the worst thing. But I guess, being friends with me is just worst than that. Sigh, see you around princess."

And with that I went down having the door shut loudly behind me.

I don't get her. I don't get her at all!