Thursday, January 21, 2010

fishes got caught by the mouth

*Jaden's point of view

this is really stupid.. this actually sucks. i hate myself.

yesterday, i gave Eli the "attitude" and now... she is totally avoiding me! it's even worse than before... it's as if i do not exist at all! darn it.. why can't i just swallow my pride like always? oh yeah.. i remember... i'm the one who said "I'm tired of this!"... damn. damn it all.... DAMN IT!! ARGGGGGHHHH!!!!

"uhm.. earth to Jaden?"

damn it... damn it.... arrrggghhh!!


what the heck? that caught me, and i found Lin staring at me. "what do you want?!" i said.

"hell, stop contemplating like a fungus moron and go talk to her already! we can't function! AT ALL!"

i was trying to decode her when i felt something pinch me..

"Dude, she's right! we need the chords arranged by tomorrow Jaden.. WE are the ones in charge of the production in case you forgot..." Erick reminded using his oh so sarcastic tone.

i breathed in the warm stench of the school and breathed out.. i really need to think and i mean really think.. without any Eli popping in to interrupt..

"DUDE!!!" , now it was the two of them on each ear.

"what the hell! yeah yeah i heard! i can like do tuning this evening! and Erick i told you already that i'm no good in notes so i guess that will be automatically Lin's job! And for you Ms. Lin Almighty, I ALREADY FINISHED LYRICS AND ARRANGEMENTS!! YOU TWO ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO HASN'T DONE ANYTHING YET! both of you need to grow spines!"

the two of them looked at me, with semi pain stricken faces. oh shit, i think i just went over board. shit.

Lin gave me a smile that didn't reach her eyes.. then went back to class. Erick patted my shoulder and started fixing his bag. before he leaving he looked at me and said,

"Jaden, we are your friends, and we can tolerate whatever attitude you have. But please, if you're just gonna be an ass because of that diva, better quit it fast. cuz you are hurting people already."

shit. it's total shit.


6 pm

ring... ring... ring..

tap tap tap tap tap...

since when did she ever ignored my calls... this is the 4th time i called..

ring .... ring... ring...

tap tap tap...


"hey pretty!"

i heard her muffled laugh... and that's all i need to hear, to know i'm forgiven

"hey...sorry...about earlier.."

tck..tck..tck... going on 40 seconds.. and still no reply..


"oh don't you dare Melina me you moron! i don't deserve to be treated like trash just because you're precious princess was doing it to you!"


'' i know Lin... that's why i said...-"

"Nuh uh you idiot! i never heard you say anything!''



this girl is so feisty. i can't remember if she got this mad at me before. i cleared my throat to let her know that i'm done listening.. and that i wanna be the one to do the talking.

"Lin... i'm sorry. it is because of the pressure.. the production comin up and Eli too... and yes.. you don't deserve what i did... and i'm sorry again..."

"you left out one part though."

huh? "and may i know what that is?"

"you said Erick and I should like grow spines!"

i laughed... "well.. don't you think that part was kinda true?"

"you no good moron. i hate you."

i smiled. and our case was closed. session dismissed. i won.

"and i love you too, you spineless goddess."

"oh shut up! tune the chords! it's in your mail kay? see yah tomorrow."

"thanks babe."

i heard a gagging sound on the other end, "don't ever call me that ever again! ERICK IS THE ONLY ONE ALLOWED TO DO THAT!".

"wha-? Erick?"

"uhmmm... oh... nothing! love you too babe! hahaha... haha.. uhm.. haha! see you moron!".

what the fuck was that?