Sunday, August 30, 2009

A day with you

*Jade's POV

"The concert was a super... but the lang-"

"Oh yeah.. my boyfriend told me 'bout it..he said it wont hurt-"

"really?! awesome! so.. when do we start?!"

"Did you know that Sheela won't go on-"

Monday morning for the typical student in Redwood High. 30 minute gossips will be delivered straight to your ears, still smoking hot, fresh from those itchy tongues. Upon locking the car, I went straight to my cliques hoping to find something more interesting than "couple dating news". It's not that I'm not happy for them, having their own love affairs and all, but I can't really relate. Especially when my own lovey dovey world is non existent. I braced myself as I enter their circle.

"Jade my man! Congratulations! I heard you once again pinned down the diva!"

I playfully punched Erick on his shoulder (though I did put a little of my weight in it), and laughed at his greeting.

"Shush up! She might hear you. Today is a happy day, so don't ruin it for me."

Lyn, my only female friend whom I ever learned to trust (for it is well known that girls are talkative and will do everything just to spread the holy word), smirked at me and raised her eyebrows.

"Well, your day can start it's happy mode, cuz the diva is here."

My head started to feel a little dizzy. Great. She's here. Oh happy day. I turned around to see if she really is there. Hmmm... to tell the truth, I was hoping for a smiling face and a warm attitude. The long wavy curls of her hair that sways with the wind together with the bell like sound of her laugh... My imaginary picture for Eli. Turns out, in reality, though I'm always seeing the lines on her forehead caused by her frown, the real Eli, is the most beautiful.
I decided to irritate her once more, just to start the usual routine.

"Hey princess! Why the long face?"

Elli said nothing and just continued to walk as if I never exist. So... we're playing snob today. Yey.
The bell rang so we all proceeded inside the building to get it on for first period. My seat is beside her so I guess, she can't avoid me this time.

"Earth to Elizabeth Ther-"

Before I can even finish, she gave me the glare that could turn you into an ice berg.

"Don't start with me Cho! I'm not in the mood."

I smirked. I then looked at Erick who is now watching us and decided to turn this into a little drama charade. It's just one of my tactics to piss her all the more.

"Oh eli...why Eli... why?! Have lost thy interest in me? Have I never been enough for you?! What more do you want from me? Oh Eli, my Eli!"

Erick and Lyn laughed, while the whole class became our audience. Oh I know what they're saying... here they go again. Meanwhile, the lady beside me is now all flushed in anger. She looks so cute when she blushes. Too bad it's a sign that she's angry. Then, as I stare at her face, I noticed an irregular shade just beside her eye, almost reaching to cheekbones. Though it is expertly covered in make-up, you can still notice it up close. I guess I was too distracted by it, that it made Eli conscious.

"Cho, stop staring. And quit this moronic display."

"Eli, what is that on your eye? Were you hurt?"

She quickly turned her face away from me and shook her head.

"No, it's nothing. just a rash."

The day was spent like any other day, except for the heat. And according to news, it'll get worse this coming weekend. Well, I guess that's alright with me. I hate the cold after all. Literature and Spanish was all done, next up, History. Prof. Mel will be in charge, so this will be fun. As we wait for him, I took out my pen and started to doodle (it's my term for sketch), but was interupted by a whisper.


It's Irma, one of those chess club fanatics.

"What is it?" I replied.

"I heard Prof. Mel is going to make us do group work..."

As I watch her stutter and say "uhmm", I slightly looked at Eli, finding her also starring at me with a smirk on her face.

"So...Uhmm... Jade...can we be partners?"

And with that, Eli looked away. I smiled to myself as I looked at Irma. This should be fun.

"Yeah sure. Who could say no to a beauty like Irma?"

Yey. Game's on. It's so on.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I won! It sure gave me the creeps when Mrs. Lorena asked me to be a substitute for Mia. I hate debates. I never liked having to defend anything. I mean, it is the very thing that I do every freaking day, so why still have it as my extra curricular? And another reason why I don't like it, Eli will be my opponent. I know how bad she wants to win this. And I know how much she hates me.

Eli and I are the most popular couple when it comes to rivalry. She always wanted to be on top for some reason, and I, just wanted to do my best in everything. Being first was never important to me. As long as I enjoy everything that I do, I make most of it. I still remember the day when I tried to make Eli my friend...

"Hi, I'm Jade. Can we play?"

Eli looked at me with those sad eyes and smiled.

"Sorry. I can't."

I was quite puzzled so I still bugged her, "Why not?". Then she took my hand and smiled at me. The only smile that she will ever give me.

"When you give up being first, then we can be friends."

Sigh... ever since then, Eli and I only talk business. Of course, everyday I try to irritate her to death by teasing her or playing pranks... but she always seem too distant. And her eyes... always so sad and worried. How I wish I could...

"Jade, stop the statue act! Dinner's ready!"

I put the trophy on the shelf and went to the dinning area. I sat down, trying to focus on food. I noticed that mom was looking at me, like I'm crazy o something.

"Honey, stop moping! You won! Isn't that great?"

"Mom don't mind him. He's not moping, he's just mesmerized by Eli's looks, earlier.", my sister Angie said, while giggling like an idiot. How I wish I could be an only child.

"Oh honey, Eli does look beautiful doesn't she? That girl has such a pretty face. Such a shame she always seem so sad."

I changed the topic by asking dad how his business was doing. It worked, for he gave me a stare that could kill a normal person. Everyone became silent and concentrated on eating.

My dad never liked me. It was always Angie whom he sees as perfect and worth it. But me? Oh no... I believe his term for me was, disappointment and waste. No matter how I try to impress him with my skills and my achievements, he never seem to think that it's enough.

"So you think you can talk business with me just because you won some stupid contest?"
My father asked, as he slice his share of meat. I wonder if he's thinking that I was the one he's slicing.

"No dad, I just wondered how it was doing. I heard from the news that we won again for most promising product."

He smiled and said, "Yes, yes I did won once again. And thanks to Angie's suggestions, we might have a chance to grab export deals this year. Now that's what I call achievement. Unlike some pointless events-".

"Greg that's enough."

I was surprised that mom suddenly put a halt to another one of dad's insults. She usually let this go on and on. Sigh, thank God, tonight, my head will be saved.
I excused myself for I no longer have the appetite, and I don't want to hear another comment on how useless I am.

you're worth it. you're a good person. you're good looking. he's not. you know different languages. he doesn't. you know a different world from this. he knows nothing but his world.

I recited my personal mantra as I get myself ready for bed. Here in my room, is where I find solace, peace of mind and happiness. Yes, only here in my room and in school, I am happy.
Here in my room, I see proofs of what kind of person I am, which happens to be way beyond what my father describes. In school, I can be who I want to be. No one judges me. No tells me what my limits are.

To tell the truth, I work so hard in school because I love the feeling of being number one. The feeling of being invincible. No one can touch me. And most of all, I love the challenge.

As I lay in bed, I grabbed a picture hidden under my bed. Picture of the only person whom I want to see before I fall asleep and right after I open my eyes in the morning. This person makes me strive hard until I can no longer move. This person makes me want to become better at everything. This person is the reason I still get up in the morning, so that I can see her face. This person is the only one who can make me forget all of my father's words and make me feel special.

How I wish she could see me in way like how I see her. How I wish she could even notice I exist. But these things... One must never know. I wouldn't want her to stay away from me. I wouldn't want her to become more distant.

I closed my eyes and smiled...

It's okay, tonight is trash indeed. Tomorrow, you'll see her. And she'll be there to take those pain away.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Breathe. Just breathe. It is all you should do. Clear your head, and think nothing but the prize. Nothing will be good enough but first place. First place.

I wheezed my way out of the dressing room as I prepare myself for the competition. I should have never signed myself up in this mess. But what to do? The look on mother's face was so priceless. Oh, and papa, he was so proud of me, when he learned that I am the only one who made it in the finals. The youngest to have ever made it to here. The only De Guia who ever made it here.
There's nothing much to do actually. I just have to defend my side that is all. Sigh... my side. Tonight, the topic is all about nature and simplicity. How am I supposed to defend my case if I am pro technology?

I just have to win! I know I have to. They can't touch me! Hmph!

"And here it is ladies and gentlemen, for our last debaters, presenting, Elizabeth De Guia, defending the pro tech side."

Oh well, that's my call. I stepped into the lights, smiled and took my seat, as I await for my opponent. This should be easy. Mia will be my opponent, and she is no good when it comes to public speaking so things might turn out smoothly, it always do.

"And for her challenger, Mia Brown called in and said there is an unexpected errand she has to attend to, so for the pro nature side, please welcome, Jaden Dexter Cho."

Jaden? They never told me about Jaden! This can't be... the guy despises me!

"Debaters, whenever you're ready."

As I sat there fidgeting like an idiot, Jaden took the mic with a smirk on his face, thinking he already had this in his hand. The nerve of that jerk!

"Good afternoon everyone! And also to you my lovely opponent! It is such a shame that today should have been a comfortable situation if it wasn't for the heat. AC couldn't even cool us down. Therefore, I would dare blame it on technology Ms. De Guia."

What? What the heck was that? I took my mic and prepared to lash at the beast.

"Mr Cho it's--"

"Oh Ms. De Guia, please call me Jade." Jaden said, cutting me from my speech. How rude!

"Mr. Cho, it is not my problem whether your AC is not working. Why even use AC when you yourself said that nature is indeed enough, to provide you all the satisfaction there is? So, you're actually admitting that you need technology? Well, I guess, I won my case.".

And with that, I flashed him my winning smile as I sat back comfortably on my chair, leaving my worries behind. My answer made the audience laugh as well as our judges, so I guess, I still have it. Jaden Cho can't beat me.

"Oh but Ms. De Guia, I was stating that, your AC was not enough to cool down this heat caused by the sun, which is unfortunately due to global warming, which was again, unfortunately due to the result of all your technology. I never said that I own an AC, in fact I love the heat. It makes me all tanned up."

This guy should know when to quit. Sigh... Jaden and I go way back in pre-school. He's my only opponent when it comes to brain clash. He is the reason why I work so hard for that first place. Because, I know, he wants it, as bad. But there's just something about him... something that makes me all envious of him. He always seems so happy and relaxed. While I am all stressed and tense! How dare he...

It was almost 6 in the evening when the judges decided to end our small talk, and announced the winner.

"Indeed, it is once again a delight to see two young ones express their selves excellently! But I must say, in this competition, one can only be the winner. And now, for our first placer, the award goes to..."

I crossed my fingers and took in a deep breath. Please.. let it be me... let it be me...

"Jaden Dexter Cho! Congratulations!"

Then and there, I wished I could disappear. Jaden received his award, while I marched towards the parking lot, hoping that tonight, won't be a long one.

Upon arriving home, mother faced me and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt.
"What the hell was that?!" she shouted.

I cringed in fear not knowing what to do or say. "Answer me!" she insisted. Still I remained silent. When she finally go tired of shouting and insulting, she went up to her room, leaving me with a bruised arm and a swollen cheek.

I stood up and locked myself in my room. No matter how I fight it, the tears just stream out of my eyes like there's no tomorrow...

I sat on my window pane, looking at the moon, wondering, just how long will it take, for me to be good enough. To be accepted.

I sighed and smiled to myself. Yeah right. keep on dreaming. How I wish there is someone out there who can understand, someone as twisted as me.