Sunday, August 30, 2009

A day with you

*Jade's POV

"The concert was a super... but the lang-"

"Oh yeah.. my boyfriend told me 'bout it..he said it wont hurt-"

"really?! awesome! so.. when do we start?!"

"Did you know that Sheela won't go on-"

Monday morning for the typical student in Redwood High. 30 minute gossips will be delivered straight to your ears, still smoking hot, fresh from those itchy tongues. Upon locking the car, I went straight to my cliques hoping to find something more interesting than "couple dating news". It's not that I'm not happy for them, having their own love affairs and all, but I can't really relate. Especially when my own lovey dovey world is non existent. I braced myself as I enter their circle.

"Jade my man! Congratulations! I heard you once again pinned down the diva!"

I playfully punched Erick on his shoulder (though I did put a little of my weight in it), and laughed at his greeting.

"Shush up! She might hear you. Today is a happy day, so don't ruin it for me."

Lyn, my only female friend whom I ever learned to trust (for it is well known that girls are talkative and will do everything just to spread the holy word), smirked at me and raised her eyebrows.

"Well, your day can start it's happy mode, cuz the diva is here."

My head started to feel a little dizzy. Great. She's here. Oh happy day. I turned around to see if she really is there. Hmmm... to tell the truth, I was hoping for a smiling face and a warm attitude. The long wavy curls of her hair that sways with the wind together with the bell like sound of her laugh... My imaginary picture for Eli. Turns out, in reality, though I'm always seeing the lines on her forehead caused by her frown, the real Eli, is the most beautiful.
I decided to irritate her once more, just to start the usual routine.

"Hey princess! Why the long face?"

Elli said nothing and just continued to walk as if I never exist. So... we're playing snob today. Yey.
The bell rang so we all proceeded inside the building to get it on for first period. My seat is beside her so I guess, she can't avoid me this time.

"Earth to Elizabeth Ther-"

Before I can even finish, she gave me the glare that could turn you into an ice berg.

"Don't start with me Cho! I'm not in the mood."

I smirked. I then looked at Erick who is now watching us and decided to turn this into a little drama charade. It's just one of my tactics to piss her all the more.

"Oh eli...why Eli... why?! Have lost thy interest in me? Have I never been enough for you?! What more do you want from me? Oh Eli, my Eli!"

Erick and Lyn laughed, while the whole class became our audience. Oh I know what they're saying... here they go again. Meanwhile, the lady beside me is now all flushed in anger. She looks so cute when she blushes. Too bad it's a sign that she's angry. Then, as I stare at her face, I noticed an irregular shade just beside her eye, almost reaching to cheekbones. Though it is expertly covered in make-up, you can still notice it up close. I guess I was too distracted by it, that it made Eli conscious.

"Cho, stop staring. And quit this moronic display."

"Eli, what is that on your eye? Were you hurt?"

She quickly turned her face away from me and shook her head.

"No, it's nothing. just a rash."

The day was spent like any other day, except for the heat. And according to news, it'll get worse this coming weekend. Well, I guess that's alright with me. I hate the cold after all. Literature and Spanish was all done, next up, History. Prof. Mel will be in charge, so this will be fun. As we wait for him, I took out my pen and started to doodle (it's my term for sketch), but was interupted by a whisper.


It's Irma, one of those chess club fanatics.

"What is it?" I replied.

"I heard Prof. Mel is going to make us do group work..."

As I watch her stutter and say "uhmm", I slightly looked at Eli, finding her also starring at me with a smirk on her face.

"So...Uhmm... Jade...can we be partners?"

And with that, Eli looked away. I smiled to myself as I looked at Irma. This should be fun.

"Yeah sure. Who could say no to a beauty like Irma?"

Yey. Game's on. It's so on.

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