Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Breathe. Just breathe. It is all you should do. Clear your head, and think nothing but the prize. Nothing will be good enough but first place. First place.

I wheezed my way out of the dressing room as I prepare myself for the competition. I should have never signed myself up in this mess. But what to do? The look on mother's face was so priceless. Oh, and papa, he was so proud of me, when he learned that I am the only one who made it in the finals. The youngest to have ever made it to here. The only De Guia who ever made it here.
There's nothing much to do actually. I just have to defend my side that is all. Sigh... my side. Tonight, the topic is all about nature and simplicity. How am I supposed to defend my case if I am pro technology?

I just have to win! I know I have to. They can't touch me! Hmph!

"And here it is ladies and gentlemen, for our last debaters, presenting, Elizabeth De Guia, defending the pro tech side."

Oh well, that's my call. I stepped into the lights, smiled and took my seat, as I await for my opponent. This should be easy. Mia will be my opponent, and she is no good when it comes to public speaking so things might turn out smoothly, it always do.

"And for her challenger, Mia Brown called in and said there is an unexpected errand she has to attend to, so for the pro nature side, please welcome, Jaden Dexter Cho."

Jaden? They never told me about Jaden! This can't be... the guy despises me!

"Debaters, whenever you're ready."

As I sat there fidgeting like an idiot, Jaden took the mic with a smirk on his face, thinking he already had this in his hand. The nerve of that jerk!

"Good afternoon everyone! And also to you my lovely opponent! It is such a shame that today should have been a comfortable situation if it wasn't for the heat. AC couldn't even cool us down. Therefore, I would dare blame it on technology Ms. De Guia."

What? What the heck was that? I took my mic and prepared to lash at the beast.

"Mr Cho it's--"

"Oh Ms. De Guia, please call me Jade." Jaden said, cutting me from my speech. How rude!

"Mr. Cho, it is not my problem whether your AC is not working. Why even use AC when you yourself said that nature is indeed enough, to provide you all the satisfaction there is? So, you're actually admitting that you need technology? Well, I guess, I won my case.".

And with that, I flashed him my winning smile as I sat back comfortably on my chair, leaving my worries behind. My answer made the audience laugh as well as our judges, so I guess, I still have it. Jaden Cho can't beat me.

"Oh but Ms. De Guia, I was stating that, your AC was not enough to cool down this heat caused by the sun, which is unfortunately due to global warming, which was again, unfortunately due to the result of all your technology. I never said that I own an AC, in fact I love the heat. It makes me all tanned up."

This guy should know when to quit. Sigh... Jaden and I go way back in pre-school. He's my only opponent when it comes to brain clash. He is the reason why I work so hard for that first place. Because, I know, he wants it, as bad. But there's just something about him... something that makes me all envious of him. He always seems so happy and relaxed. While I am all stressed and tense! How dare he...

It was almost 6 in the evening when the judges decided to end our small talk, and announced the winner.

"Indeed, it is once again a delight to see two young ones express their selves excellently! But I must say, in this competition, one can only be the winner. And now, for our first placer, the award goes to..."

I crossed my fingers and took in a deep breath. Please.. let it be me... let it be me...

"Jaden Dexter Cho! Congratulations!"

Then and there, I wished I could disappear. Jaden received his award, while I marched towards the parking lot, hoping that tonight, won't be a long one.

Upon arriving home, mother faced me and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt.
"What the hell was that?!" she shouted.

I cringed in fear not knowing what to do or say. "Answer me!" she insisted. Still I remained silent. When she finally go tired of shouting and insulting, she went up to her room, leaving me with a bruised arm and a swollen cheek.

I stood up and locked myself in my room. No matter how I fight it, the tears just stream out of my eyes like there's no tomorrow...

I sat on my window pane, looking at the moon, wondering, just how long will it take, for me to be good enough. To be accepted.

I sighed and smiled to myself. Yeah right. keep on dreaming. How I wish there is someone out there who can understand, someone as twisted as me.

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